We do some research and find out about Hyperemesis Gravidarum and a lot of my symptoms match.
After 4 server days of constant throwing up and server pain in my chest we decided to go down to Cobram hospital. I inform the nurse that I believe that I may have hg and find out that this is what I was admitted with last time! No-one had told me that and dr stupid failed to inform me of that the maxolon is common not to work in some cases of hg and there is other medications that you can have. I’m told the only dr available is dr stupid Tahhan I have no choice but to see her she puts me on an iv and send me to Shepparton hospital with a possible Pulmonary Embolism. I am sent on my way in the ambulance again and given some nice morphine several times which eases my chest pain slightly. Once in the ER I am then seen by several stupid dr’s and nurses who give me maxolon shots despite my saying it does not work and who also give me oral panadol which ends in me throwing it up everywhere! I finally see an ob specialist who is quiet angry that 1) didn’t get contacted to see me last admission and 2) is dumb founded by the lack of listening from the ER dr’s and that I was not on a running drip after being admitted. He puts me on a drip and starts to explain to me about hg only I finish his sentences for him. He listens to how the maxolon isn’t working for me and that I can’t swallow anything without it coming back up. He comes back with Zofran odt and tells me I will be sent home with a script. Within 3 hours my sickness had subsided and while we drove home I was able to drink 600mls of fluid with it ALL staying down! This is a MAJOR victory as I would be lucky to get 600mls down for the week! We get home and find out that they hadn’t given me the script and so the fun begins.
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