Saturday, July 31, 2010

31st July

19 Weeks down!
Well this week I have been pretty good with a few days where the maxolon asn't worked carbonara pasta was the flavour of this week and bacon and eggs still.
Had a u/s this week baby wouldn't let us know its sex so I am now offically in the unknown after watching the dvd from 16 weeks I can no longer tell I seen the 3 white lines but I also seen the nub! So this baby will infact be a surprise :)
Bambino is quiet low in my cervix and I get alot of my blows down low in the nether area, bambino is also so low in the cervix that to get a profile pic she ahd to take it from behind my right hip and legs from behind my left hip poor sono! I also started with contractions this week :( tightenings that end in sharp mid back pains and seem to only get them when I strain lots like walking or if I vacuume the house etc. The drs aren't to concerned about it atm and are trying to get my files from the old doctors.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

17th July

18 weeks :)
Have had an awesome week so far eating and drinking is great neausea is at a minimum i've been getting out more and more and having alot of fun with the kids.
This weeks flavour is a hash brown & bacon & eggs & sweet chilli philly and chicken sakatas this babe insists that mummy be nice and fatter by the time he/she pops out.

Friday, July 9, 2010

July 10th

Boy and Girl name list



July 10th

17 weeks WAHOO!
An awesome week for me medication free the whole time :) and only sikc in the mornings and sometimes nights.
My eating has drasticlly improved and I have alot more variety on what I can eat.
Bambino is starting to boot me more now and making his/her presence known.
I'm a bit over sugar as this week it's been a great part of my diet ARG need to start exercising I think!

I have now created my short list for Girl names (spelling may vary)


And boys next boys are so much harder then girls and the girls has been hard enough for me

Now time for pics :D

Saturday, July 3, 2010

3rd July

Welcome to 16 weeks!
It's taken it's toll but food and fluids are still my friends atm and I like that espicially since I now only have 3 tablets left and no wa y of getting any more unless I land in hospital again which is something that I do not particularly want to do.

2nd July

Well not to bad this week had more good then bad days and have even been hit with the hunger bug and able to eat a lot more variety of food and a higher quantity and my fluid intake has increased I'd almost say that it was more of a m/s now then a hg illness. I had our ultrasound today and all is well baby is measuring 6 days behind but has a nice 158 bpm heart beat some nice long legs and claw like fingers as well as nice formed organs.
We also had Tiahna's EEG in the city today not sure how that went yet but guess we'll see so along with sitting in the RCH afterwards to see a dr as YET AGAIN/STILL Tiahna is sick so a long day for us today and alot of fatigue.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

26th June

15 weeks today!
Went to the dr at the hospital for my chest pain and still no treatment another $50 for nothing sick of seeing drs I tell ya!
I have how ever now started to fight and sent emails off to various people and orginisations trying to fight for the cause! I'm sick of being thrown aside and I refuse to be ruled by illness when I don't have to be and in this day and age it is not exceptable!

25th June

Called my midwifes today after my shit appointment yesterday and told them how I am concerned about the lack of examining me and baby. She said to me "Why are you worried" ??? Um HELLO! I have been sick as a dog no1 seems to check ANYTHING let alone the musts they should be checking WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE ARE YOU STUPID?!?!?! Well she tells me how they don't do active checks until 22 weeks! WTF so from 12 week scan to 20 week scan to 22 week midwife then it's like 36 Ob and THATS IT!? BACKWARDS MUCH! Were looking into moving away as it's depressing me here and the lack of medical care for me and with our recent illnesses I'm just not happy here anymore

24th June

Okies so we had our OB doctors appointment today at the Shepparton hospital and I may as well have asked Tia to do the check!
So they flogged me back to the midwifes at Cobram who are shit house and a 1/2. She measured my bp and that was it! No doppler, no tummy exam, no urine tests but worst of all she also didn't listen to ANY of my hg or non hg related issues AND there absolute worst was that she wants me off Zofran despite the fact that I cannot function without them atm! She's put me on Stemetil (prochlorazine) a god damn sea sickness tablet? WTF are you serious! I did how ever get a script of zofran to help "ween" me off well FU I will be back for more zofran until I can go more then 72 hours without constant throwing up!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

23rd June

Well have been having a shitty few days my meds seem to be making me worst. Theres not alot I can eat or drink atm so on a minimum again but still getting something in!
The whole 1.5 kilos I gained last week is already dropping again 900gs down again.
We go to see the ob dr tomorrow hopefully they'll be pro active with me it's a female dr so with my experience there a little more compasionate then males but we'll see.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

19th June

Well we are officially into our 2nd Trimester now and I must say atm it is no different!
We have had Tia's op a few days ago and all went well we have had a few medicated days in a row and it's not as good as I was expecting even medicated I still crashed at night one night and had bad times so the medications aren't as effective as I was 1st hoping. Although in saying that I haven’t actually been sick in almost a week just constantly nauseous and unable to eat drink much. I bought some sea bands to try out and although they are not a magical cure they have helped me a little bit
and each little bit counts! I have lost my appetite for spring rolls and am once again on the hunt for something that doesn’t upset my tummy. The good news is I have gained 1.5 kilos this week so that is good and I have seemed to lose the swelling that was in the
tummy so health wise I appear a lot better than
the week before. I am now look foreword to my appointment with the midwives and hopefully the obstetric specialist on the 24th and get some more medications and advise as well as find out about being induced and all that other fun pregnancy stuff.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

13th June

Med free again today I don’t need to ration as I will be seeing the midwifes on the 24th at Shepparton hospital so can get another script then. However I don’t want to have to rely on the medication and if I am automatically having it how am I going to know if I am still sick or not. I will have no hesitation in having a tablet if I am sick enough but I will allow it to go on for a little while now. Rus is home today wonder if he’ll go get me a spring roll and chips and gravy lol I wish we don't have the money for that :( every day. It's now lunch time and I have only got 1 drink and no food down and looking like I may have to have a tablet as I slowly feel the nausea rising. Don't help that Rus has cooked fish and chicken Kiev’s for the kids lunch today the smells are setting me off. Already banned him making lasagne might need to add fish! So Had a tablet and after 4 hours of laying down waiting for it to take effect nothing! Can't eat or drink and constantly on the verge of throwing up. It's so much fun being a hg mum.

12th June

Med free today. Rus is at work all day and most of the night tonight so solo mummy again. Find out still can only eat chips with gravy and a spring roll! ARG so call Liz up wanna come for lunch? She laughs and says sure. We go get Carlie a haircut and then some shopping and lunch again I eat only chips and take home the spring roll for tea. Another good day!

11th June

Stuff it I’m having another med today!!! Get Rus to get me some more chips with gravy and another spring roll today seems to be the ONLY thing I can get in for the days so it’s my new diet. Go back into town with him as I need to swap some of the shopping cause the stuff didn’t fit. Go to Liz’s for a change of scenery.

10th June

Woke up this morning and had a med, greeted bob a few times and 3 hrs later my meds kicked in and I was again able to handle some liquid. Decided that I was going to pick up my sorry ass today and get out of the house! I have had enough of sitting around and decided that I didn’t care how much I looked like death or if I spewed in public I was getting to depressed sitting in the house! Tia was at Kindy and me and Jac decided some lunch and shopping was in need we call Liz and say come play with us! We do some shopping and get some awesome bargains then go for lunch at the fish and chip shop. I get some chips and gravy and a spring roll. I manage to get some chips with gravy down and take my spring roll for later. We go get Tia from Kindy and head off for some more shopping. We now head home tired we had a wonderful day no sickness and the smile on my face is unmistakable.

9th June

I had a rough day today and was solo mummy for the night as Rus was at job #2. I get the kids to bed early and spend the next 5 hours with my head in the bucket, I get quiet depressed and feel so alone until eventually sleep takes me. I decided tonight that I was going to call the bucket bob!

7th June

Day 3 of medication rationing, I am not in the best shape but I get another ultrasound today so the excitement of getting to see bambino again is enough to hold me. I go for my u/s to find out that the normal lady is away and the sub isn’t very nice but we get a great u/s baby is so active and kicking and pushing on the u/s thingy baby even sucked their hands and it was so good to see! Babe measured a whole week ahead which was a relief as my being so sick was a concern for me that baby was suffering because of it. Tia loved watching the little baby move and yelled at it a couple of times for making mummy sick and told baby that she’d smack his bum if he hurts me. I said to Tia you want a brother? She said no she wants a sister but she thinks it’s a boy! Lol so cute.

6th June

Day 2 of medication rationing, I am still doing ok although have been sick a couple of times I can still drink and am able to tolerate the sickness.

5th June

Day 1 of medication rationing, I am doing ok I am going to try 1 day medicated and 2 days not and repeat this so that I have enough to get me through the month and hopefully manage to stay out of hospital. I’m not as good as when I’m on the meds but I can drink and until I can’t drink at all or am sick more than once in the hour I will be med free.

4th June

Today is my 1st Midwife appointment. I was hoping for a lot of help and support at this appointment and find out that I am in for a HUGE disappointment. I get weighed for the 1st time in this pregnancy and find out that I have already lost 6.5 kilos. They pretty much tell me that with the hg I will be seen in Shepparton more than likely but once they hear about my birthing history and inform me that I will most likely be requested to be induced for mine and the babies safety I pretty much get a total brush off. So looks like a lot of hr bus trips for me over the following months.
I go to the dr’s again this afternoon as I am having 2 tablets a day and I will be running out of them Monday night. They tell me at reception that there is more than likely no-one here that can help me I make it quite clear that I will NOT be leaving here until someone helps me so I get an appointment to see dr Chabbou who informs me that I can only get 8-10 tablets a month! I am having 2 a day and have 10 tablets and I can only get 10 a month! So I am only medicated for 10 days out of every 30! However I get a script for 8mg so at least that is a relief! I will just have to ration them. Feeling better now that I have more tablets and an idea of how I will manage them we head into town for some much needed babe bonding and shopping. Tia got a much needed haircut and we had a good afternoon.
I also decided to have Carlie’s birthday sleep over while I’m having a good day.

3rd June

I keep Carlie home from school today I need her help. We drop Tia off for her 1st day at Kindy and make our way to Shepparton hospital to pick up the script. I go to get my script filled to find out that the hospital only stocks 4mg? WTF I mean you’re a hospital I was given an 8mg in emergency so someone has it! I tell them to just give me the 4mg it’s better than nothing. I take the tablet and rest for the hour drive home. 2hrs 45mins later I am able to have some dilated OJ and ¾ of a packet of bbq shapes. We then went to pick Tia up from Kindy and she’d had a great time and we all had a great afternoon. I find out that the 4mg tablets don’t last me as long as the 8mgs do so I have another tablet that afternoon.

2nd June

Wake up with “where’s my bucket!” Zofran has left my system and I am sliding down hill fast. I go see my GP to see if they can write me a script or get the hospital to fax there’s through. I find out that they are not authorised to write me a script and that the hospital script is only able to be filled by the original at the hospital!

1st June

I again wake up and am able to eat and drink and am so relieved that the Zofran works and that I can manage to have a somewhat stable/normal pregnancy now.

31st May

We do some research and find out about Hyperemesis Gravidarum and a lot of my symptoms match.
After 4 server days of constant throwing up and server pain in my chest we decided to go down to Cobram hospital. I inform the nurse that I believe that I may have hg and find out that this is what I was admitted with last time! No-one had told me that and dr stupid failed to inform me of that the maxolon is common not to work in some cases of hg and there is other medications that you can have. I’m told the only dr available is dr stupid Tahhan I have no choice but to see her she puts me on an iv and send me to Shepparton hospital with a possible Pulmonary Embolism. I am sent on my way in the ambulance again and given some nice morphine several times which eases my chest pain slightly. Once in the ER I am then seen by several stupid dr’s and nurses who give me maxolon shots despite my saying it does not work and who also give me oral panadol which ends in me throwing it up everywhere! I finally see an ob specialist who is quiet angry that 1) didn’t get contacted to see me last admission and 2) is dumb founded by the lack of listening from the ER dr’s and that I was not on a running drip after being admitted. He puts me on a drip and starts to explain to me about hg only I finish his sentences for him. He listens to how the maxolon isn’t working for me and that I can’t swallow anything without it coming back up. He comes back with Zofran odt and tells me I will be sent home with a script. Within 3 hours my sickness had subsided and while we drove home I was able to drink 600mls of fluid with it ALL staying down! This is a MAJOR victory as I would be lucky to get 600mls down for the week! We get home and find out that they hadn’t given me the script and so the fun begins.

26th May

Today is Carlie’s 10th birthday. We have a white raspberry swirl cake which is so yummy and tastes the same coming up as it did going down.
I also have my prenatal screening blood tests today.

24th May

We are discharge from hospital and are sent on our way happy to be going home we hope that our weeks have been horrid enough. However our battle was only to begin! This afternoon I start to be sick with again!

20th May

I have still been able to eat and drink almost like normal! We’ve had a rough few days and Tia is have a lot of her spacing’s as well as still a temperature and not eating/drinking. I take her to Cobram hospital and ask to see the on call dr as she is really sick by now and I am panicked! They call the gp and send us around we wait in the waiting room for our turn and go and see dr Tyndall. She examines Tia and notes my concerns, lack of food/fluids, spacing’s, temperature and swollen gums. She informs me her opinion of what she would do (a tell me without telling me) and then informs me dr stupid Tahhan wants to examine her as she seen what her tonsils were like prior. We go then and see dr stupid who looks in her mouth and says that she’s not as bad and make her drink and eat more (mind you my baby can barely stay awake!) She informs me to take her to the hospital if she hasn’t urinated in over 18 hours I then inform her that it has already been 22 hours! She sends us home. I call Russell and tell him that I will be taking her to hospital the second he gets home from work. I get into the ER at Cobram hospital and the nurse gets to work right away Tia’s wee showed the same nasty’s as mums from dehydration. She’s put on a drip the on-call dr calls dr stupid who informs him of what is going on he decided to overrule her and admit her for rehydration and observation. The attending ER nurse is concerned and would like to see Tia sent to Shepparton children’s ward as she is unconscious and not very responsive. After 24 hours on the drip etc She is then transfers to Shepparton ER and her bloods show that there is major issues atm she in and has been considered unconscious and unresponsive for over 72 hours now and their attempts to revive her have failed, the 24 hours on drip hadn’t helped her hydration a bit and things are looking really nasty. We spend 7 hours in the ER and talks about being air lifted to the RCH if Tia doesn’t not respond soon. After 7 hours on the drip and with a few IV meds she is conscious enough that when they take her blood for the thousandth time that night she for the slightest second whimpers. YAY she is conscious and can be admitted to the children’s ward and the paediatric specialist can and will now examine her. Within minutes she has diagnosed Tia and medications start and within hours she is more responsive. They believe that over our 72 hours of hell Tia had had several febrile convulsions without body seizures as well as absentee seizures. They are referring us for later EEG’s at RCH to make sure there is no fluid build up on the brain etc. We over the next few days get better and as Tia get’s better I start to feel a little more ill each day. Also needless to say we now REFUSE to see dr stupid again as not only was her advice for me wrong and land me in hospital but her lack of care for Tia was a close brush with permanent danger.

17th May

1st time in 28 days I am able to stomach food and fluids! It’s only a small amount but it’s a huge victory! Today things are starting to look positive my m/s appears to be passing and I can now begin to enjoy this pregnancy! This afternoon Tia wakes up from a nap with a high temperature and upon looking in her throat I see that she has tonsillitis. Rush her to the dr’s and get meds for her.

15th May

I get sent home complete with a barf bag and spend the whole hour trip home throwing up. They give me a script for Pramin which isn’t helping the nausea at all and why? Cause it’s exactly the same as maxolon.

14th May

I go to the Cobram hospital after throwing up blood. I can barely move I’m that exhausted I crawl into the ER and the take me in and put me on a bed I inform them of what is going on and they call in the on call dr (Michael Chabbou) I do a wee for them to test, large key tones, severely dehydrated and a few other things. Dr comes in and puts me on a drip right away they give me injections for the m/s, doesn’t work after all the maxolon hasn’t worked yet! They also give me some morphine as I am in a lot of pain from throwing up for 25 days straight! The dr then calls my stupid dr who says to rehydrate me and send me home. I start to barely be able to stay awake I’m also having high blood pressure and erratic heart rhythms as I am apparently going into shock. They decide to send me to Shepparton for overnight care. Ambulance transporters were really nice and gave me god knows what to help me feel better and I was able to fall asleep for the trip. Once at Shepparton hospital I am admitted and sent to a temp ward for rehydration.

3rd May

2nd u/s we now see a sweet little froggy, at 7 weeks 2 days your little heart is beating away! The stupid dr says “oh good at least we know it’s not an ectopic” I thought that would have been obvious at the 5 week scan when we seen baby in the uterus? More maxolon injections and my stupid dr tells me “you can’t keep getting maxolon injections” so what I just be sick? I can’t swallow ANYTHING let alone tablets? She doesn’t listen tho I mean she knows best she’s a dr!? PFT

21st April

We get our 3rd lot of bloods done and our ultrasound. Mummy see’s you on the screen 5weeks 2 days you’re only a gestation sac to us know but you were there! My bloods also came back at 6995 so that is really good! However as they cannot see the yolk sac they still cannot confirm your viability PFT what more do the need when bloods and u/s all measure up fine and mummy is sick as a dog? I start with my maxolon injections today.

19th April

My m/s starts. I can’t eat or drink anything I can barely move and am not having much luck staying awake. My head is permanently inserted into the bucket atm.

7th April

Go to the GP for the 1st lot of blood tests to confirm pregnancy. Dr does a urine test and got negative but the blood tests come back with a positive with hcg of 24. Not good as we should be around 4 weeks pregnant but as I told the dr I could be 2,
4 or 6 weeks pregnant. The dr tells me I may be about to m/c and to retest in 1 week.

2nd April

After 6 weeks with no a/f we do a pregnancy test and get a faint positive. The next few over the days are all still coming up faint positives.